Creative Director: @kidsuper
Director: @onda
Written By: @onda + @kidsuper
Producer: @davidwept
Producer: @burberryboxers
DP: @danielvignal
1st AD: @mrmarckelly
Production Manager: @invaderzena
Production Coordinator: @nemfisher
Assistant Production Coordinator: @_artixan
2nd AD: @arctic._thunder
1st AC: @danrodriguezdp
2nd AC: @currycurran
Camera PA: @shannon_fog
Gaffer: @davireichman
Key Grip: @_yannaco_
BBE: @dillon_puswald
BBG: @woodyoulookatthat
Electric: @xela_ozzir
Grip: #DaveSteffy
Production Designer: @ilananotilana
Set Decorator: @morganhealani
Art Coordinator: @haileemcclelland_
Set Dresser: @kitsheridan
Set Dresser: @stephyyyb
Sound Recordist: @simplyredpath
MUA: @benjaminpuckey
MUA: @penelopeplzz
MUA: @olivia_olie
Stylist: @g.ucy
Style Asst: @beanevento
Style Asst: @emily_bogner_
Style Asst: @makingmoods
Hair: @miasantiagohair
Hair Asst: #SarahCronin
Manicurist: @kana_nailist
Truck PA: @lifeofjari_
Key PA: @qtayloredit
PA: @director.dash
PA: @dan_fw
PA: @realskillz__
PA: @ooz_anarchy
PA: #JoelAlmonte
PA: @blouxjay
PA: @mikey.scho
PA: @liamstimpson
PA: @mikazembic
PA: @juancarlosleonjr
BTS: @wonderworkr
Editor: @morrydraco
VFX: @maxcoltt
Colorist: @jalob
Sound Design: @joren
Intro Music: @joren
Main Theme:
3D Titles: @jadensteinhoff
Brand Partner, Collaboration Advisor: @harveyvision
Collaboration Advisor: @jennadangerblaha
Head of Production: @fedora_frank_
Staff Production Coordinator: @dfaynz
Production Co: @5towns x @mecca.studios
Casting Director: @milltickettv
Lead Talent: @therealmariskahargitay
Body Double: @mishawhalen
Villain: @bigbodybesnyc
Auctioneer: @fredericknixon
Money: @ladyjanegreyford
The Hare: @thejudaseffect
Madame Cartwright: @hadleyactsup
The Twins: @angelanddren
The Inside Man: @colm
Switch: @chi.kq
Security Guard #1: @davidwept
Security Guard #2: @dougieplaylist
Security Guard #3:
Security Guard #4: @tour_noir